The Frog is poised to be a gripping psychological thriller that will leave viewers on the edge of their seats. The newly unveiled trailer offers a chilling glimpse into a world where normalcy is shattered by unexpected darkness. The trailer begins with a foreboding voiceover, setting the tone with the...
Premiering on August 23, The Frog promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its gripping storyline and chilling atmosphere. The Frog follows a group of ordinary people whose tranquil lives are disrupted by the arrival of a mysterious guest. Leading the cast is seasoned actor Kim...
Netflix is set to unleash a new wave of terror with its upcoming Korean suspense thriller, The Frog. Premiering on August 23, the series promises to keep audiences on the edge of their seats with its gripping storyline and chilling atmosphere. Directed by Mo Wan-il, the mastermind behind the critically...
SBS is stepping onto the field with a brand new drama, Try: We Become Miracles, (LT) slated for release in 2025. This drama marks a first for Korean television as it ventures into the world of rugby. Try isn’t your typical sports drama; it follows passionate young athletes as they...
Smart Ro-hee quickly gets the oddness of the situation and learns about the fate of her parents in week 2 of The Kidnapping Day. Through Hye-eun, Myeong-jun’s estranged wife, they learn about scientific research to which Ro-hee is a subject. The police and people who know the research are eager...
Yoon Kye Sang is continuing his acting challenge by playing a clumsy and weak-hearted kidnapper in the ENA drama The Kidnapping Day, which has been airing since September 13th. The Kidnapping Day is a comical thriller about the special cooperation between a clumsy kidnapper, Yoon Kye Sang, and an 11-year-old...
Things unexpectedly get awry when a man supposed to kidnap a rich family’s daughter meets the girl he was about to abduct right before his eyes in The Kidnapping Day! Mystery, drama, and comedy are the flavors that make this new drama worth watching. abbyinhallyuland watches The Kidnapping Day on...
The Kidnapping Day premieres today on Prime Video! The Kidnapping Day is based on the Korean novel of the same name, which features a clumsy kidnapper and a genius child working together as they get tangled in unexpected circumstances. There will be thrilling twists and laughs along the way as...
Starring Yoon Kye Sang, Park Sung Hoon, and Kim Shin Rock, this unique series will have you intrigued! The Kidnapping Day will premiere on Prime Video in Malaysia and more than 240 countries and territories on September 13. Prime Video announced today that the thriller black comedy series The Kidnapping...
Scheduled to be broadcast in the second half of 2023, ENA’s original drama Day of Kidnapping affirmed the actors headlining the series. Yoon Kye Sang, Park Sung Hoon, Yuna, Kim Shin Rok, Kim Sang Ho, Seo Jae Hee, and Kang Young Seok are set to decorate their new K-Drama characters...