Ahead of the eagerly awaited debut of Yu Yu Hakusho next week, the trailer is giving fans a taste of the groundbreaking visual effects that bring to life the intense battles between humans and demons, setting a new standard for live-action adaptations. The five-episode series captures the essence of the...
Over the next five years, THE SEVEN will produce multiple original live-action titles that will be exclusively available to Netflix members across 190 countries. Netflix enters a strategic partnership with THE SEVEN, a cutting-edge production company owned by TBS Holdings (Tokyo Broadcasting System Holdings, Inc), one of Japan’s top media...
Netflix Japan and Netflix Anime unveiled the teaser photos for the upcoming live-action adaptation of YuYu Hakusho. YuYu Hakusho, also known for its English title Ghost Fighter, will have a live-action series premiering in December 2023. Moreover, on July 16, Netflix Japan revealed teaser photos for the series on their...