Park Jin Young and Kim Go Eun spark romantic tension as their anticipated pairing soon unveils in Yumi’s Cells 2. First to use 3D animation in a Korean drama series, Yumi and her lovely cells returns for Yumi’s Cells 2. Despite the heartbreak in the previous season, the upcoming prequel promises healing...
Predicting the pairing of Kim Go Eun and Park Jin Young for Yumi’s Cells 2, the two heighten anticipation with their adorable love cells. Concluding the previous season with a bittersweet ending, Yumi’s Cells 2 is set to open another chapter filled with new hope and beginning. Kim Go Eun and Park Jin...
Back for another season, TVING’s Yumi’s Cells 2 drops an adorable and vibrant official poster featuring Kim Go Eun. TVING brings back the audience inside Kim Yu Mi’s mind again after confirming a prequel for Yumi’s Cells 2. Kim Go Eun also returns as Kim Yumi with her adorable cells. ...