An extraordinary chemistry between Kim Hee Ae and Moon So Ri is coming up in Netflix series Queenmaker. Queenmaker is a Netflix series that follows the story of Hwang Do-hee, a PR genius who used to oversee the Corporate Strategy Team in Eunsung Group, diving into an election campaign for...
Netflix affirms the production and casting of the thriller-political drama, The Whirlwind! The Whirlwind depicts the confrontation between the prime minister who wants to root out the corrupt giant power and the deputy prime minister for the economy who opposes it. Portraying Prime Minister Park Dong-ho who wants to judge...
Award-winning actress Kim Hee Ae is set to appear in the reality program Sleep and unveil her true nature as a person. Kim Hee Ae has been flaunting her acting skills since she debuted in 1983. She is also known as one of the Korean actors who consistently grab main roles in...