Narrating bittersweet stories, River Where The Moon Rises shows what it means to wield swords to protect loved ones while defying fate. River Where The Moon Rises gives life to the Korean folk tale of how On Dal and Princess Pyeonggang conquers their fateful past and path. Despite controversies, the series...
River Where The Moon Rises kept its flame burning on its second week! Its fast pace but clear storytelling is also worth applauding! The series follows back-to-back episodes, with the second half of both episodes 3 & 4 notching significant increase in numbers. We finally met Wol Gwang and our...
Kim So Hyun is definitely not your average Goguryeo princess in her latest drama, River Where The Moon Rises! The unveiled production stills of the actress exudes fierceness while keeping the air of nobility. Truly drawing attention, Kim So Hyun is expected to resonate her newest character. Kim So Hyun...
Fierce and full of emotions, the video teasers of River Where The Moon Rises surely looks formidable! Derived from Goguryeo historical folktale of Ondal and Princess Pyeonggang, the forthcoming KBS series is bannered by Kim So Hyun and Ji Soo. Suiting up as the heroine of the series, Kim...
Kim So Hyun, Ji Soo and Kang Ha Neul sealed their appearances in one of the most anticipated work of 2021. Backed up by producing director Yoon Sang Ho, 달이 뜨는 강 River Where The Moon Rises (literal translation) is derived from Goguryeo historical folktale of Ondal and Princess Pyeonggang....