Kim Rae Won and Lee Jong Suk look peerless in the striking main poster released for Decibel. Together with Jung Sang Hoon and Park Byung Eun, the image previews the urgency to unfold in the movie. Decibel threads on a terrorist attack initiated by a bomb designer who wants to...
Recently, actor Lee Jong Suk posted several photos with hyung Kim Rae Won on his Instagram account while shooting their newest film Decibel. In the photos, Jong Suk captioned “Decibel #KimRaeWon” and shared some sweet stolen shots of Rae Won. The two popular actors both wear navy uniforms which added to their...
The urban set action-thriller film Decibel has begun filming on April 20. It stars Kim Rae Won, Lee Jong Suk, Jung Sang Hoon, Park Byung Eun, Lee Sang Hee, Cho Dal Hwan and Cha Eun Woo. Narrating the story of a terrorist who tries to occupy the city center with a...