Soon to drop this February, Business Proposal character sketches unearth the expressive and stunning countenance of the four main leads. Business Proposal narrates the story of an office employee who goes on a blind date with her company’s CEO while posing as her rich best friend. The exhilarating office romance...
Business Proposal unveils composed yet extremely compelling visuals of Ahn Hyo Seop that will captivate the viewers’ hearts. Business Proposal centers on an office employee who goes on a blind date with her company’s CEO while pretending as her affluent best friend. Additionally, this drama is based on a serialized online...
Rendering a gravitating office romance, Business Proposal captures a heart-fluttering gaze between the lead pairing. Business Proposal chronicles the story of an office employee on a blind date with her company’s CEO while posing as her wealthy best friend. Likewise, this drama is based on a serialized online novel of...