Promising heartwarming teamwork, the news SBS series parades character posters of the lead stars. The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes, accidents and fires. Additionally, it heightens expectations since it is the first series in Korea to present a story...
With its approaching launch date, The First Responders has been rolling out an engrossing promotional blast to enthuse viewers. The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes, accidents and fires. It depicts the most intense teamwork of first responders in critical...
Kim Rae Won, Son Ho Jun and Gong Seung Yeon lead an ensemble cast to portray rescuers in The First Responders! The First Responders chronicles the joint cooperation of police officers and firefighters in urgent situations involving crimes and fires. It depicts the most intense teamwork of first responders in...