Cha Tae Hyun and Jo In Sung are geared up for the second season of Unexpected Business. Directed by Yoo Ho-Jin, Unexpected Business is a variety show that is set to experience the countryside life with a local supermarket as its based setting. For the second time around, Cha and Jo are...
Jo In Sung and Cha Tae Hyun’s star power coupled with the homey feel of their new show spur the inevitable viewership rating surge of Unexpected Business! According to Nielsen Korea, in the last 5 episodes of Unexpected Business, it scored an average 5.9%, peaking at 6.9% in nationwide ratings....
Unexpected Business confirmed its first broadcast on February 25 at 8:50PM KST. PD Yoo Ho Jin’s newest project, Unexpected Business, stars two well-doted actors who are known to be close friends. Jo In Sung will be embarking on his first variety show since his debut in 1998. Meanwhile, allrounder entertainer...