Catching attention, the monolith poster featuring One The Woman’s main stars further excites anticipation for the series. Moreover, quick character glimpses of Honey Lee, Lee Sang Yoon, Jin Seo Yeon and Lee Won Geun were also released. One The Woman traverses the story of a corrupt female prosecutor who gets...
SBS parades a cool teaser poster of the lead stars of One The Woman, and we can sense an upbeat interaction ahead! Starring Lee Sang Yoon, Honey Lee, Jin Seo Yeon and Lee Won Geun: One The Woman traverses the story of a corrupt female prosecutor who gets into a...
Marking his post-military drama project, the actor suits up to the role of an ideal prosecutor. One The Woman tells the story of a female prosecutor who becomes an heiress of a wicked chaebol family overnight. In the drama, Lee Won Geun takes the role of Prosecutor Ahn Yu-jun. He...
SBS drama One The Women has named its supporting leads! One The Woman tells the story of Cho Yeon-joo, a corrupt female prosecutor who lost her memory after a cryptic car accident. Yeon-joo was chasing a suspect who looks very similar to her and caught in the said accident. When...