Working together with Kim Yoo Jung in 20th Century Girl, actor Byeon Woo Seok describes how he prepared for his first leading role in a movie. Saved in a videotape, 20th Century Girl recollects memories from the year 1999 when a girl named Na Bo-ra fulfills her best friend’s wish...
Working together for the third time, Kim Yoo Jung appreciates Han Hyo Joo portraying Na Bo-ra as an adult in 20th Century Girl. Netflix movie 20th Century Girl revisits memories from 1999 captured in a videotape that arrives one winter to adult Na Bo-ra (Han Hyo Joo). Playing as cupid...
Soaring sweetly with its lovable youthful characters, 20th Century Girl brims with familiar romantic youth experience. A devoted friend finds love blooming for the first time in her life. Sharing those new feelings in her youth, her first love leaves a mark on her heart. Marcie Line watched 20th Century...