Park Hyung Sik and Jeon So Nee are seen in conflicting interactions in the recent stills of Our Blooming Youth. Our Blooming Youth, a new Monday-Tuesday shows on tvN, is a mysterious theme drama that tells the story of a cursed prince while also investigating a family murder case, in...
Challenging a critically-acclaimed 2016 Chinese film for their new project, the two talented actresses are set to greet the viewers at the Korean box office. Directed by Min Young-geun and backed up by Climax Studio and Endmark Studio; the Korean film Soulmate affirms release in March with two teaser posters....
Inducing heart flutters, the main poster of Our Blooming Youth is nothing but arrestingly sweet. Our Blooming Youth, a new Monday-Tuesday shows on tvN, is a mysterious theme drama that tells the story of a cursed prince while also investigating a family murder case, in which a brilliant girl is...
tvN confirms upcoming series top-billed by Park Hyung Sik and Jeon So Nee slated for February 6, 2023 release. 청춘월담 Our Blooming Youth (WT) narrates the meeting of a mysterious cursed crown prince and a genius girl who was singled out as the culprit of a family murder overnight. They...