Youth retro-romance drama, Oasis, teases fans with captured memories from recently held table-read. Oasis depicts the story of three young people who fiercely work hard to protect their dreams, friendship and once-in-a-lifetime first love against the backdrop of a turbulent Korea from the 1980s to the 1990s. In the drama, Jang...
KBS2 announced the lead cast for new youth drama scheduled to broadcast next year. 오아시스 Oasis (LT) depicts the story of three young people who fiercely work hard to protect their dreams, friendship and once-in-a-lifetime first love against the backdrop of a turbulent Korea from the 1980s to the 1990s....
Park Soo Young, known as Red Velvet’s Joy, transforms into a social butterfly police officer for Accidental Country Diary. SM Entertainment and Kakao TV confirm Park Soo Young as the female lead in Accidental Country Diary. She will be pairing with rookie actor Choo Young Woo who made notable portrayals in School...
Police University officially begins its classes brimming with intense energy, dreams, leadership, and chemistry. KBS2’s Police University made us cry, laugh, and energized in its first two episodes. Jung Jin Young and Jung Soo Jung‘s meeting also made a lasting and “impactful” impression. Furthermore, Jin Young’s first step towards his newfound dream becomes...
The cast of the anticipated franchise series of KBS2 gives us a peek at their characters and what makes School 2021 special Finally, KBS2 completes its fresh and lively cast for School 2021. Kim Yo Han, Choo Young Woo, Cho Yi Hyun, Hwang Bo Reum Byeol, Kim Kang Min, and Seo Hee...