Set to tie the knot, Son Ye Jin and Hyun Bin declare their love and promise to spend the rest of their lives together. They both have developed genuine feelings for one another and have finally expressed their desire to marry through heartwarming posts on their social media accounts. After appearing...
Collaborating with the esteemed director, Woo Min Ho, top actor Hyun Bin slates Harbin as his new movie project! Production company Hive Media Corp said announced today the actor affirmed his participation in the movie. Directed by Woo Min-ho, Harbin is a spy action film about independence movement fighters who...
Confidential Assignment 2 appears serious in replicating success through its confirmed cast. Returning for their roles are actors Hyun Bin, Yoo Hai Jin and Im Yoona. Adding firepower are confirmed appearances of Daniel Henney and Jin Seon Kyu. Released in 2017, Confidential Assignment decked box office success amassing over 7.81...