Prepare to be captivated by the gripping tale of Uprising, which premieres on October 11, exclusively on Netflix. Uprising sets the stage for a captivating tale amidst the turmoil of war, focusing on the complex dynamics between two childhood friends who become adversaries. The film is set to premiere on...
Directed by Kim Sang-man and produced by the renowned Park Chan-wook, Uprising promises to deliver an emotionally charged narrative set against the turbulence of war. Uprising centers on the complex relationship between two childhood friends, Cheon-yeong and Jong-ryeo, who, despite their deep bond, are separated by their differing social statuses—Cheon-yeong is...
Starring Kim Hye Soo and Jung Sung Il, this thrilling Korean investigative series is slated to debut on Disney+ in the second half of 2024! When an investigative news team crosses the point of no return, they will be given one last chance to save their careers in Unmasked –...
It’s a feast of Korean heartthrobs at AAA 2023! Presented by PULP Live World, StarNews, and TONZ Entertainment, for its 8th year, AAA shall be held in the hottest country in Southeast Asia that boasts its loudest, warmest, and most significant fan base in K-culture, the Philippines. Considered Asia’s Oscars...
An all-star cast meets an iconic filmmaker in War and Revolt! Set against the chaos of war, the highly anticipated War and Revolt (WT) takes viewers on a gripping journey through the lives of two childhood friends turned adversaries. Starring Kang Dong Won as the formidable Cheon-young and Park Jung...
Filming soon begins for the movie Interview! Interview tells the story of an unprecedented serial killer who killed 11 people. He offers a special interview to a veteran reporter desperate for a scoop. In the film, Cho Yeo Jeong portrays Sun-ju, a social affairs reporter who is thirsty for exclusive...
Conveying gratitude for the love and support he received in The Glory, Jung Sung Il vowed to meet the viewers through unchanging acting activities. In a media interview, Jung Sung Il relayed stories about his experience filming The Glory, and what the fame of the series brought to him. K-Drama...
With characters who show little to no remorse, The Glory Part 2 serves satisfying closures for both victims and perpetrators. Completing the last phase of revenge, a glorious end awaits those who used to suffer at the hands of their perpetrators. On the receiving end, those who deny guilt until...
The teaser photos of The Glory Part 2 characters give a peek at the intense development they will face entwined in Dong-eun’s revenge. Grabbing viewers’ attention, The Glory Part 2 returns in circling Yeon-jin and other perpetrators sinking into the pits of hell created by Dong-eun as payback. Directed by...
Hell is about to break loose in The Glory Part 2, thrilling its viewers with its new posters and teaser! Directed by An Gil Ho and written by Kim Eun Sook, The Glory follows the elaborate revenge planned by Moon Dong-eun (Song Hye Kyo), whose youth was ruined by perpetrators...