Ahead of its June 28 debut, the main trailer and poster for the political thriller The Whirlwind highlight the intense rivalry between Prime Minister Park Dong-ho and Deputy Prime Minister Jeong Su-jin. This rivalry evolves into a fierce battle of ideologies and ambitions. Renowned actors Sul Kyung-gu and Kim Hee-ae...
Set against the backdrop of a turbulent political landscape in South Korea, The Whirlwind follows the intense clash between the prime minister and the deputy prime minister, each driven by their own agendas. The tension heightens when the prime minister decides to assassinate the president, sparking a fierce power struggle...
Whether you are a fan of the lead stars and director of The Moon or a Korean film aficionado in general – this movie treat is just for you! Launching on August 16 in Philippine cinemas nationwide, The Moon traverses a thrilling and emotional space movie of how Korea’s first...
Director Kim Yong-hwa has nothing but praise for his main cast for The Moon. Expressing satisfaction with the exceptional synergy among his lead actors – Sol Kyung Gu, Doh Kyung Soo and Kim Hee Ae – the director said, “They are all such skilled actors that even if they were...
Set to launch in Philippine cinemas on August 16, The Moon highlights the emotions of Sol Kyung Gu, Doh Kyung Soo and Kim Hee Ae in the released character posters. In The Moon, Korea’s first manned mission to the moon ends in a tragic disaster when an explosion occurs on board. Seven...
Space survival movie, THE MOON, is set to land in Philippine Cinemas on August 16. The film is directed by Kim Yong-hwa, one of the most prominent genre directors in Korean cinema. It stars veteran actor Sol Kyung Gu (Phantom, The Book of Fish, Man of Men, Birthday) and EXO...
Top-Billed by Sol Kyung Gu, Do Kyung Soo and Kim Hee Ae, The Moon fires up anticipation with unveiled teasers. The Moon depicts the struggle between Seonwoo, a space crew member stranded on the moon alone due to an accident, and Jaeguk, the former head of the space center desperately...
Putting forward empowering values, Queenmaker neatly presents the faces and fortitude of modern-day women. From achieving success to reaching rock bottom, the series looks forward to serve the true meaning of deliverance from unrequited loyalty. abbyinhallyuland watches Queenmaker on Netflix Opening Week Rating: Queenmaker Opening Episodes Highlights Hwang Do-hee (Kim...
An extraordinary chemistry between Kim Hee Ae and Moon So Ri is coming up in Netflix series Queenmaker. Queenmaker is a Netflix series that follows the story of Hwang Do-hee, a PR genius who used to oversee the Corporate Strategy Team in Eunsung Group, diving into an election campaign for...
Netflix affirms the production and casting of the thriller-political drama, The Whirlwind! The Whirlwind depicts the confrontation between the prime minister who wants to root out the corrupt giant power and the deputy prime minister for the economy who opposes it. Portraying Prime Minister Park Dong-ho who wants to judge...