Monstrous delivers a suspenseful and chilling drama that will fascinate viewers who enjoy horror and gore. Following the story of a cursed Buddha that caused chaos and fear in a remote town, TVING’s dark-themed series Monstrous is written by Ryu Yong Jae and Director Yeon Sang Ho who previously produced...
The children suffered from the sins of the adults, but in the end, they get the closure they all deserve. Beautiful World is a touching drama despite its disheartening narrative. It bravely depicted the harsh environment today’s youths are subjected to. It also did not shy away from showing how...
Monstrous unveils new character posters exuding a dark atmosphere. Scheduled to premiere on April 29, TVing original series, Monstrous releases new character posters showcasing each character in the dark while lost in the chaos, fear, and madness. With the collaboration of director Jang Kun Jae and writers Yeon Sang Ho...
The young actor is set to join the military camp on February 8. Delivering the news to his fans on his fan cafe today, he confirmed his upcoming military service enlistment. He also wishes for everyone a healthy 2022 in celebration of the Lunar New Year. Unlike the usual celebrities...
Setting a terrifying atmosphere inside the campus, The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim reminds the youth that instilling fear and academic achievement should not hinder pursuing their dreams. Unlike most Korean campus romance drama series, The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim showed a heavier and mystic narrative about students. It reflects the struggles of...
Na Woo Soo is at the edge of losing his best friend to the hands of an evil spirit that rules the school. Ga Doo Shim is his only support. Will they save Il Nam? Or will he die like the other lowest achievers? Mc_zehra.29 watches The Great Shaman Ga...
Production company Raphael Pictures affirmed the production of the feature film Birth, bannered by Yoon Shi Yoon. Commemorating the 200th anniversary of Father Kim Taegon, Yoon Shi Yoon is set to portray the revered religious figure. He is the first Korean-born Catholic priest and is the patron saint of Korean clergy. He was...
Despite hiding it, Ga Doo Shim’s secret of being a shaman is finally unveiled. How will she fight her own fears and save the school from the evil spirit? In episode 5 of The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim, aside from witnessing the blooming relationship of Na Woo Soo, and...
The lead characters’ relationship starts to bloom as they both adjust to a whole new world – surrounded by ghosts. In the recently aired episode of The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim, we see Na Woo So struggling to accept this new reality with Ga Doo Shim on his side....
After being possessed by Ga Doo Shim’s grandmother, Na Woo Soo, came across the fact that he can see ghosts. But not remembering any of the times, makes it much worse for him. In episode 3 of The Great Shaman Ga Doo Shim, Na Woo So and Ga Doo Shim...