Sparks and love cells fly between Kim Go Eun and Park Ji Young in latest video teaser of Yumi’s Cells 2. Slated to premiere on June 10, Yumi’s Cells 2 let its viewers witness Park Jin Young and Kim Go Eun‘s synergy in the series’ promotional material. It hints at Jin Young’s...
tvN’s romance drama, Eve preps to unveil a vengeful, suspenseful, and sensual narrative slated to broadcast on June 1st. Eve follows the bittersweet story of Lee Ra El, portrayed by Seo Yea Ji. Despite being born into a perfect and well-off family, Ra El lost her parents at a young age. Thirteen...
Promising a roller coaster of events, So Ji Sub, Shin Sung Rok, and Im Soo Hyang pique more interest with their intriguing characters in Doctor Lawyer teasers. Taking the Friday and Saturday slot in MBC, the anticipated series Doctor Lawyer unveils intense and action-packed teasers. In addition, character posters and stills heighten the...
Yeom Yung Ah, Jeon So Min, and Kim Jae Hwa are up for some hot ‘tea’ as they put on their cleaning uniforms for Cleaning Up. Slated to premiere this June 4, JTBC’s comical drama, Cleaning Up, excites viewers with more teasers. The recent group poster features Yeom Yung Ah, Jeon So...
Oh Yeon Seo serves overwhelming visuals and presence as she transforms into a detective in KBS2 TV’s Cafe Minamdang. Cafe Minamdang, affirms a mystery and comical narrative starring Oh Yeon Seo and Seo In Guk. Leading the series are Director Go Jae Hyun (Black) and Writer Park Hye Jin (The...
Ji Chang Wook, Choi Soo Young, Sung Dong Il, and Won Ji An are confirmed to star in new healing drama, If You Say Your Wish. KBS2 TV’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama, If You Say Your Wish, completes its awaited and star-studded cast. Directing the series is Director Kim Yong Wan, who...
Management Soop welcomes back Jung Ga Ram and marks his new start after being discharged from military service in April. The rising actor, Jung Ga Ram, is back from his military service and is ready to capture hearts through his acting. He was enlisted in October 2020 when he last...
SBS shares character stills and sketches of Hwang In Youp for the legal-romance drama Why Her. Why Her chronicles the story of Oh Soo Jae, played by Seo Hyun Jin, a competitive and self-driven lawyer. She desires to be part of the nation’s best lawyers in the most prestigious law...
Get to know Seo Hyun Jin, Hwang In Youp, Heo Joon Ho, and Bae In Hyuk’s characters for SBS’s upcoming series, Why Her. Coming to the small screens this June 3, Why Her unveils intriguing character posters featuring the lead casts. Seo Hyun Jin, Hwang In Youp, Heo Joon Ho, and...
Seo Yea Ji, Park Byung Eun, Yoo Sun, and Lee Sang Yeob draw attention with their fiery and sophisticated posters for tvN’s Eve. tvN’s anticipated drama, Eve, drops striking character posters that leave viewers wanting more. Furthermore, Seo Yea Ji, Park Byung Eun, Yoo Sun, and Lee Sang Yeob‘s ‘on fire’...