Commencing its intriguing run, Grid hooks with complexly deliberated characters that will move in the story. Integrating sci-fi elements, police involvement and a cryptic organization – the series launched quite an enigmatic premise. abbyinhallyuland watches Grid on Disney+ Opening Week Rating: Grid Opening Week Story In flashback, the story narrates...
Expressing his desire to take more diverse roles, Yeon Woo Jin shared details of his acting and exposure in Serve the People. Directed by Jang Cheol Soo, Serve the People, tells the story of model soldier Mu-Gwang (played by Yeon Woo Jin), who is devoted to serving the people. Even...
Full of profound lessons, the mirthful lives of three single women in Thirty, Nine prove how the idea of belongingness can be realized with true friends! Powered by a stellar cast, the series articulately delves into life apprehensions and romance perspectives involving single people on the cusp of hitting their...
Happiness and confidence can be seen in the talented and amazing cast of Thirty, Nine at the drama presentation earlier. Son Ye Jin, Jeon Mi Do, Kim Ji Hyun, Yeon Woo Jin, Lee Mu Saeng, Lee Tae Hwan and director Kim Sang Ho graced the event. They also delightfully provided filming...
It was definitely a “cruel office romance” in the first episodes of Forecasting Love and Weather! Complementing the projected love directions in the series are relatable scenarios for people who lost love in an unfair way. Cleverly though, it appears the story funnels its energy to the picture of how...
Establishing its relevance at present, Twenty Five Twenty One spurs a beginning filled with laughter and tears. Serving a retro vibe to its viewers, Twenty Five Twenty One captures the reality faced by all people, both young and old, during a crisis. Ranging from lives disrupted and dreams shattered, each...
Our strong-willed heroes in Bad and Crazy have piqued our curiosity for more characters who have a deep story to tell. The impact left by the powerful duo in the series has opened our eyes to various interesting crime investigations. Much as well, it has put the spotlight on the...
Love is sweeter the second time around, and we need more of this love like the one we’ve found in Our Beloved Summer. Seizing the warm feeling of a love that started a long time ago, Our Beloved Summer has offered a nostalgic and fuzzy feeling when love is given...
Nearing its premiere, Forecasting Love and Weather lead cast and director graced the drama presentation conveying filming stories and character details. At the recent press conference, director Cha Young Hoon together with Park Min Young, Song Kang, Yoon Park, and Yura, share their thoughts and experiences in the latest series. The...
The cast and director of Twenty Five Twenty One give a walkthrough of their filming process and experiences at the media conference earlier. Three days left before the premiere of tvN’s new Saturday-Sunday drama. Hence, before the series’ first broadcast, the cast and director of Twenty Five Twenty One unpacked...