Soon to drop its enthralling story, My Name lead cast shared fond memories and details of the jaw-dropping protagonist, and we couldn’t be more excited to witness it! Director Kim Jin Min, with prominent cast members Han So Hee, Park Hee Soon, Ahn Bo Hyun, Kim Sang Ho, Lee Hak...
Unfolding the narrative of a vindictive and desperate heroine, Netflix’s series My Name premieres on October 15. At the recent Netflix press conference, the ensemble cast of My Name, along with its director, voiced their experiences about the preparations and behind-the-scenes of the series. The said event was attended by director...
As a masked man in Squid Game, Wi Ha Joon conveyed his appreciation for the success of the series. Netflix original series, Squid Game, chronicles participants in a cryptic survival game with a prize of 45.6 billion dollar. Players stake their lives to be the lone winner in the extreme...
Leading a narrative about one’s goals in life, Double Patty builds a support system between hardworking characters that met through food. Like her father, Lee Hyun-ji (Irene) aspires to enter the world of journalism by preparing to be an anchor. Hyun-ji is hardworking in both preparing for her application, but...
iQiyi vaunts its year-end anime roster with 27 new titles! Yes, we’re all welcome for this amazing treat! Leading Asian entertainment streaming platform iQiyi continues to expand its range of quality content with a fresh slate of anime available on demand. In the first 9 months of 2021 to date,...
Netflix is bringing two anime films and a series this month! Adding three new titles to its robust roster of Japanese animes are exciting and imaginative action-themed stories The Seven Deadly Sins: Cursed By Light *Film October 1 Meliodas and his friends jump back into action when the new era...
Engrossing romance dramas and enthralling stories are scheduled on the roster of C-Dramas on iQiyi next month. Fawn on imaginative modern and historical set love stories or get enthralled with gripping crime and thriller series. In case you missed it, check out more titles iQiyi that are currently streaming on...
Sharing the behind-the-scenes snippets of Squid Game, Park Hae Soo feels grateful for the success of the series. Squid Game, a Netflix original series, follows participants in a cryptic survival game with a 45.6 billion dollar prize. Cho Sang-woo (Park Hae Soo) and other players risk their lives to be...
Anticipating a strong role, Lee Jung Jae hoped for something different after accepting Gi-hun in Squid Game. Squid Game, a Netflix original series, tells the story of participants in a cryptic survival game. Players, including Gi-hun, risk their lives to vie for the price of 45.6 billion dollars. Following the...
Switching gears of thrill, comedy and romance highlight K-Dramas on Viu for the month of October! Viu makes your week special with its exciting slate of Korean dramas. You can go for a sedating route with featured love stories or go full-throttle with its newest addition of gripping thrillers. 2021...