The creative team of Check Out The Event praises Bang Min Ah, Kwon Hwa Woon, and Ahn Woo Yeon in the recent press conference. MBC’s Check Out The Event unfolds a sweet and bitter story starting this August 14. Producers Kim Ji Hoon and Lee Han Joon led the media conference and share...
Chinese sweet dramas are sweeping the world with featured feel-good and imaginative romantic stories. In the second half of 2021, iQiyi released the “SWEET ON” collection, which focuses on sweet romance dramas. Seven Chinese dramas of different styles and settings look to bring the viewers around the world into a...
Police University officially begins its classes brimming with intense energy, dreams, leadership, and chemistry. KBS2’s Police University made us cry, laugh, and energized in its first two episodes. Jung Jin Young and Jung Soo Jung‘s meeting also made a lasting and “impactful” impression. Furthermore, Jin Young’s first step towards his newfound dream becomes...
Voice of Silence weighs the gravity of a crime unintentionally committed and blurs the relationship of an accomplice and a victim. Vendors of eggs, Tae-in and Chang-bok, also work for a criminal organization to clean the crime scene and bury corpses. Chang-bok, a religious man, works together with Tae-in, who...
It’s a thrilling Au-ghost month on iQiyi with new titles to spook and delight the viewers! From iQiyi’s library comes a mine of classic and contemporary thrilling films and series, inspired by the mysticism and folklores unique to and where Asia is best known for. Turn off the lights and...
Flowing to an engaging romance story, Unforgettable Love is a sweet ride as it lasts. Based on the web novel Mr. He’s Unforgettable Love (贺少的闪婚暖妻) by Qin Ye (秦页), the series runs 24 episodes. It tells the story of a contract marriage that turns to a lifetime commitment between a distant...
Following her previous drama Cheat On Me If You Can, award-winning actress Cho Yeo Jeong is returning to the small screen with another remarkable project, High Class. High Class is a mystery-suspense drama that takes place in a luxurious international school located on an island paradise. It depicts the stories...
With a mix of tension, drama, and a little humor, Beyond Evil took viewers to a suspenseful ride, captivating with its peerless writing all throughout. Beyond Evil follows Lee Dong Sik and Han Ju Won, two fearless police officers with tainted pasts. Bent on cracking the case, the two cops...
Pipeline explores the underground world of oil heist for an action movie fused with comedy. Famous for drilling holes in pipelines, Kang Se-dol who is often called “Pindol” (Drill-bit) (Seo In Guk), is recruited by Hwang Gun-woo (Lee Soo Hyuk) to drill into the biggest pipeline in Korea. Along with...
As At A Distance Spring Is Green closed its story, it left lessons about love, life, and growth that bloomed in everyone’s hearts. The production team and cast of At A Distance Spring Is Green received love from its relatable stories and heartwarming lessons. Truly, the series captivated the hearts of the audience...