Suiting up to detective roles, Shin Ha Kyun and Yeo Jin Goo chalked up new project on tvN! Dubbed as sophisticated psychological thriller, 괴물 Beyond Title (WT) depicts the story of two detectives who get entangled with a cryptic serial killer case. It aims a first half of 2021 broadcast...
Brandishing a riveting story, tvN announces a must-watch series in 2021 with Vincenzo. Headlined by Song Joong Ki, Jeon Yeo Bin and Ok Taecyeon; the series paints the story of fierce dark heroes. Their fiery actions fight variety of villains that can never be punished by existing law. Aside from...
Billed as human sci-fi series, SBS upcoming Friday-Saturday offering – Alice – readies to launch its premiere. Joo Won and Kim Hee Sun are unveiled in the main poster released by SBS today, heightening excitement for its premiere on August 28. This marks the small screen return of Joo Won...
Contents related to Stranger 2 premiere are going full blast, and we sure don’t want our favorite villain to be left out! Returning for the prominent role Prosecutor Seo Dong Jae, versatile actor Lee Joon Hyuk announced more facets to his character to look forward to. Stranger 2 begins airing...
For this year’s edition of Seoul International Drama Awards, homegrown series take the center stage. Amongst the 28 drama nominees, nine are from South Korea in TV Movie, Mini Series and Short-form categories. The 15th Seoul International Drama Awards highlight diversity of dramas, unconventional female character, short-form contents and the...
Eagerly-awaited Korean drama, Record of Youth, decks official launch date on Netflix! Park Bo Gum, Park So Dam and Byun Woo Seok are all set to meet fans all over the world through their newest project, Record of Youth. Netflix has confirmed its exclusive premiere on September 7. The new...
OCN secured broadcast date for their newest weekend drama, Missing: The Other Side! Starring Go Soo and Heo Joon Ho, the series also stars Ahn So Hee, Seo Eun Soo, Ha Joon, and Song Geun Hee. Set to mark another thrilling story, OCN formed a solid cast to mystery fantasy...
Undercover, scheduled to be broadcast in the first half of 2021, confirmed additional cast members. Joining Ji Jin Hee, and Kim Hyun Joo in the main cast are Yeon Woo Jin and Han Sun Hwa. Additionally, Park Do Sik, Park Kyung Ri, Han Bo Bae, Yoo Seon Ho and Lee...
Powered by star-studded cast and sprinkled with supernatural twist, Netflix is all set for its new original series – Hellbound! Netflix, the world’s leading streaming entertainment service, has confirmed Yoo Ah-in, Park Jeong-min, Kim Hyun-joo, Won Jin-ah and Yang Ik-june as the leading cast for Hellbound, a new original series...
Ji Soo falls in love at first sight for Im Soo Hyang at their first class meeting for “When I Was The Most Beautiful”. The first meeting between Im Soo Hyang and Ji Soo‘s characters reveals a fresh and exciting atmosphere for the upcoming show. MBC’s upcoming drama, When I...