In terms of reliability, Lee Sung Min has proven a decorated acting career across various genres. For his latest role, the seasoned actor challenges action scenes complementing the revenge plot of the film. Remember traverses how Pil-ju, an 80-year-old Alzheimer’s patient sets forth to complete his revenge planned for 60...
Eagerly-awaited K-series sequels and upcoming dramas are officially launched at Netflix’s TUDUM Korea. Along with that, TUDUM Korea announced two new Korean entertainment shows and a romantic film that are set to delight and intrigue viewers. Hosted by Choi Minho and Cho Yi Hyun, the global event acquainted K-Drama and...
Primed to present memorable moments of being young and in love, Ong Seong Wu readies for another career milestone. Aside from that, he also makes history as one of the cast members of the first jukebox-themed musical film in South Korea. Life Is Beautiful chronicles a heartwarming romantic comedy film...
Nam Joo Hyuk marks his big screen comeback in October for the film, Remember. In the movie, he portrays In-gyu, a young man in his twenties who joins in the revenge plan of Pil-joo, played by Lee Sung Min. Remember traverses how Pil-joo, an 80-year-old Alzheimer’s patient sets forth to...
Park Yoochun stars in the critically acclaimed Dedicated To Evil. The film narrates the story of a man who lost everything and meets a woman who has nothing to lose anymore. In such a hopeless situation, they find comfort in each other. Notably, Dedicated to Evil won the Best Actor...
Lessons highlighting family love intertwines with the sad reality of human atrocities and selfishness in the riveting narrative of Emergency Declaration. With its enthralling and fluid storyline; the film imparted strong messages relevant to our times. K-Movie Rating: “Emergency Declaration” Takes Off In Philippine Cinemas Nationwide Emergency Declaration Quick Recap...
A star-studded cast meets an enthralling story in Emergency Declaration – and Filipino K-Movie fans can watch it in cinemas now! Emergency Declaration, which now sits comfortably at the number 5 spot in the Highest Grossing South Korean films of 2022, is about to hit Philippine cinemas come August 31st....
Groove to delightful romance, refreshing allstar travel variety show, thrilling flick and energetic dance showdowns on Viu! As the rainfall season approaches and temperatures start to dip, let Viu tide you through the rain clouds with exciting new offerings in September! Catch K-drama darlings Lee Se Young and Lee Seung...
A class of its own, the fast-paced narrative of Seoul Vibe gives refreshing aftermath seemingly like you’ve really been on a joy ride. Fluidly chronicled, the charm of this 1988-set film is that it won’t make the viewers think much, but just really enjoy the movie drive! abbyinhallyuland watched Seoul...
Gearing up on its Netflix launch, Seoul Vibe takes us on a thrilling ride experience back to 1988. Actors Yoo Ah In, Lee Kyu Hyung, Park Ju Hyun, Moon So Ri, Go Kyung Pyo, Ong Seong Wu, and director Moon Hyun-sung attended Seoul Vibe‘s press conference held at the Grand...