Powered by South Korea’s renowned stars, Broker was officially invited to the competition section of the 75th Cannes International Film Festival. Directed by acclaimed Japanese filmmaker Hirokazu Kore-eda, the film features a solid cast roster including Song Kang Ho, Kang Dong Won, Bae Doona, Lee Ji Eun and Lee Joo...
Since its worldwide release on April 8, the Netflix movie Yaksha: Ruthless Operations achieved third place in the Netflix global TOP 10 movie (non-English) category. Yashka: Ruthless Operations follows the story of a breathtaking battle among a team of NIS agents, a special inspection prosecutor, and agents of various national...
All candidates vying for awards at the 58th Baeksang Arts Awards are finally in! The 58th Baeksang Arts Awards will be broadcast live on JTBC, JTBC2, and JTBC4 from 7:45 pm on May 6. It will be broadcast live digitally on TikTok. The Baeksang Arts Awards is the one and...
The talented actress joins fellow artists Kim Soo Hyun, Seo Ye Ji, Kim Sae Ron, and Choi Hyun Wook. Fresh off the heels of hit rom-com Business Proposal, Seol In Ah readies for new career endeavors. GOLDMEDALIST announced the newest actress of the company on April 11. Praising her skills...
Following the success of K-Series last year including Squid Game and Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha, Netflix members across the globe have continued embracing shows from Korea in 2022. For 10 of the 13 weeks in 2022, Korean series have been #1 in Netflix’s Global Non-English series Top 10. This week’s Non-English series...
Flawlessly performing “Winter Blooming,” Lee Jun Ho changes into a young and wealthy gentleman in the project. Kakao Entertainment, which chose 당이돕 Dang Yi Dop as the second runner for the 2022 Super Webtoon Project after Siren, displayed three different styles of Lee Jun Ho filming stills. It captures him...
Gong Hyo Jin recently revealed that she is in a relationship with singer Kevin Oh. Gong Hyo Jin’s agency shares the actress’ plans regarding the future with marriage in mind. “If there is any good news, we will let you know.” Considering she has been in a relationship with singer...
We expect nothing but shining works with this mutual venture between HiSTORY DNC and A-MAN PROJECT! History DNC announced on April 1 the sealed alliance with A-Man Project. “We have signed a strategic agreement with A-Man Project to which actors Lee Jong Suk, Kwon Nara, and Seo Eun Soo belong.”...
Viu, PCCW’s leading pan-regional OTT video streaming service, recently announced that the platform was the number 1 premium video on demand platform in terms of the number of Monthly Average Users (MAUs) in Greater Southeast Asia*. This comes from the latest Media Partners Asia (MPA) AMPD Research report for Q4...
NCTzens where you at? A heap of treats is designed especially for you by 0917 Lifestyle, in collaboration with SM Entertainment (SME). The newly-launched launched exclusive merchandise celebrating the release of NCT’s “Universe” comeback album. NCT, an acronym for Neo Culture Technology, is a popular 23-member South Korean boy band...