TVING’s original series Yonder is the first human melodrama to be delivered by acclaimed director Lee Jun-ik.
His film portfolio includes box-office hits and renowned films such as Sunny, Hope, The Throne and The Book of Fish.
Headlining the series is a peerless lineup with Shin Ha Kyun, Han Ji Min, Lee Jung Eun and Jung Jin Young.
Yonder is the story of a man who receives a message from his dead wife and is invited to an unknown space called “Yonder” where he can meet her.
It is a world created by scientific advancement and technological breakthroughs. Moreover, it touches on questions about life, death, and eternal happiness.
The Mysterious Yonder
Unveiling the teaser poster, it peeks at a vague and cryptic picture of where Han Ji Min’s special invitation led Shin Ha Kyun to an unfamiliar place.
The dazzling blue sky and sea in the poster preview a walk in a beautiful paradise, that seems like a painting. However, the contrast emanating from Shin Ha Kyun who evokes loneliness with a quiet smile while staring at Han Ji Min, makes their story worth anticipating.
A noticeable border line is also seen alluding to how they share the same memories, but miss each other while in different spaces.
Moreover, the text on the poster also denotes a heartbreaking reality: “I came here. Will you come over here?”
In the drama, Shin takes on the role of Jae-hyun, a science-themed magazine journalist who lives an empty life after his wife’s death. He receives a strange mail from his dead wife, has an unbelievable reunion, and is confused about his existence.
Han Ji Min plays Jae-hee’s dead wife. After his death, he leads Jaehyun to a new life in “Yonder”. Han Ji-min’s choice to complete an interesting character by going back and forth between virtual and real heightens curiosity.
Director Lee Jun-ik said, “Yonder makes me think a lot about the present happiness in the relationship between life and death. It is a work that focuses on the psychological elements of the character.”
Yonder will be released on TV in October on TVING.
Shin Ha Kyun and Han Ji Min To Play Death-Separated Couple In Visionary TVING Drama
Source: Sports Donga
Photo: TVING
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