Song Kang and Han So Hee Share a Passionate Kiss in “Nevertheless” Episode 2

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Nevertheless episode 2 proves that attraction is inevitable even with the presence of uncertainties.

Nabi and Jae-eon enjoy the company of each other despite being confused on whether they feel the same way. The doubts of being a special person in Jae-eon’s circle lead Nabi to try pushing him away. However, despite that uncertainty, she is still drawn in towards Jae-eon.  

Marcie Line watches Nevertheless on Netflix

Recaps: 01 | 02

Nevertheless Episode 2 Recap

“I’m sure that we feel the same way.”

Yu Nabi feels sure that she and Park Jae-eon feel the same way. Leaning towards each other for a kiss, Nabi and Jae-eon are interrupted by a call on Jae-eon’s phone. He apologizes that their plans got postponed, and they agree to reschedule it the next day. 

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“Flowers don’t bloom just for one butterfly.”

Bit-na warns Nabi that Jae-eon is someone who does not date. He only flirts but never commits. She continues with her metaphor that Jae-eon is like a flower that symbolizes seductive beauty, but withers once plucked. 

Nabi disagrees with Bit-na’s description, explaining that she has noticed that something was off with Jae-eon but still believes in his sincerity. Bit-na responds back, dispelling Nabi’s view on Jae-eon, by saying that’s how everyone falls for Jae-eon’s tricks.  

Granting Jae-eon’s wish, Nabi goes to a club with him and they have a good time together. Nabi gives in to the feeling stating that Jae-eon makes her feel excited. Jae-eon meets a girl from his academy but sticks to the company of Nabi. They leave together rejecting the offer to hang out with everyone else. 

On their way home, Nabi questions the butterfly in the girl’s wrist, but Jae-eon assures that there is nothing to worry about.

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“Right. I’m going to  draw the line. I don’t want to be a fool again.”

Falling from her pose for Bit-na’s reference photos, Jae-eon immediately comes to check on Nabi. However, Nabi decides to act cold towards Jae-eon because of the warnings and their encounter at the club. 

Jae-eon sends Nabi a lot of messages, but Nabi replies with one short message in an attempt to act cold. He calls her and she gives in with her feelings despite recently thinking that he does that to everyone.

Jae-eon is offered a part-time job at their department’s office, and quickly rejects the offer. However, after being told that Nabi also received the same offer, he tells his senior that he will think about it. 

Nabi wakes up late after dreaming about her and Jae-eon being intimate. She sees her phone with a lot of missed calls from the same man she just had a racy dream with, and realizes that she is late for her class. 


“Why are bad hunches never wrong?”

Nabi attends the afternoon class because she missed the morning one. She feels uncomfortable because she has a zit and feels like it’s the start of her period. Jae-eon also attends that class, and he confronts Nabi that she suddenly acts cold towards him. 

Bit-na appears to be busy playing games, missing Nabi’s texts to her about bringing pads. While presenting her report in front of the class, Nabi feels uncomfortable because of her period and leaves the class right away after her report. 

Jae-eon follows her, and he notices her discomfort. He lends her the long sleeves he’s wearing and covers her behind. Asking if he will spread the word about it, Jae-eon assures her that he will not just like how she would when he experiences a similar situation.


“From what I’ve seen so far, the things that made you feel special might be meaningless to him.”

Smiling at her phone while texting in an art supply store, Nabi gets teased by Bit-na. Nabi tells her that she and Jae-eon are just friends who got a little bit closer. 

Then again, Bit-na reminds Nabi that Jae-eon is just nice to everyone. Nabi continues to ignore Bit-na’s warnings. 

Bit-na invites Nabi to her gathering the next day. At first, she was uninterested but was later persuaded when told that she can check whether she’s special to Jae-eon or not.

Nabi scrolls to Jae-eon’s followers and sees that the majority of his followers are girls. She then feels anxious despite wishing to enjoy her heart-fluttering moments. 


“Why can’t two people just be close? Can’t they look at each other or stand near each other? Do they have to pretend not to notice if there’s something in their hair?”

Jae-eon arrives late at the gathering like the main character whom everyone is waiting for. A senior in their department spoils the atmosphere of the gathering by trying to converse with Nabi.

He asks Jae-eon on the smoking area whether there is something going on between him and Nabi. Jae-eon quickly responds that there is none. Nabi is disheartened by Jae-eon’s answer, but Bit-na tells her that she’s now more convinced with the possibility that Nabi is special for Jae-eon.  

After things got heated between Jae-eon and their senior, Jae-eon tells Nabi not to worry since that senior also talks about him behind his back. When Nabi questions Jae-eon’s preference for not dating and being friendly to everyone, he responds that it’s just nice to get along well with people.

Together with the other people from their department, they leave the restaurant and continue drinking in Nabi’s house. They loudly play spin the bottle, and Nabi’s neighbors complain. Jae-eon joins Nabi in the front door to settle her neighbors’ protests. They continue playing after agreeing to keep their noise down, and the bottle points at Jae-eon and Nabi. Jae-eon and Nabi choose to drink rather than kiss.   

Hearing noises coming from her room, Nabi opens the door thinking it’s Jae-eon and Yun-ji. However, she discovers it’s not Jae-eon, and sends off the two assuring them that she will keep it a secret.   

After sending them off, Nabi sees Jae-eon and Yun-ji appearing to be kissing outside. She hides but Jae-eon sees her. He cuts it short and lets Yun-ji go in first. He approaches Nabi telling her that it’s just a game, and asks if she wants to try it.

Initially, Nabi rejects the offer, and Jae-eon says that he thought she feels the same way. Jae-eon tries to draw closer to Nabi for a kiss, Nabi backs out and Jae-eon respects Nabi’s decision. She touches his lips and gives him a kiss. The episode ends with Nabi and Jae-eon kissing on the street.

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Nevertheless Episode 2 Musings

Episode 2 greets us with Nabi feeling sure that she and Jae-eon felt the same way. However, in the middle, she questions Jae-eon’s sincerity, going back and forth from acting cold and choosing to enjoy the moment with him. Her choice to draw the line is reasonable given the warnings and uncertainties of their relationship.

There were a lot of intimate scenes in this episode, and the two leads really did a great job in setting up the atmosphere. Song Kang and Han So Hee were able to portray the characters who were exploring the flames of their feelings. Although this may be new for some viewers of Korean dramas, the addition of these types of scenes just proves that such feelings and desires are universal. It is not limited to a certain region. 

I also appreciate how the production team inserts shots focusing on the eyes of the main characters. Their gazes really communicate a lot of unspoken messages that help build up the feeling in the scene. In addition to that, they were also able to pose questions that made their viewers think, which gives more substance to the series.

Park Jae-eon and Yu Nabi’s relationship is one that is quite risky. There is nothing yet certain with Jae-eon’s character who seems like a walking red flag,  but Nabi still gives in to her feelings. Although it may seem fun to just enjoy the moment, I believe that it is quite dangerous in real life. 

For the next episodes, we expect to know more about the stories of other characters like Ji-wan and Sol. We also anticipate the character development of Nabi and Jae-eon. I would like to dig deeper into Jae-eon’s character as to why he chose not to date. There still may be doubts about Jae-eon’s sincerity, and we are here to witness if Nabi’s initial doubts are true or not.

Watch the next episodes of Nevertheless every Sunday at midnight PHT on Netflix.

Photos: JTBC | Netflix

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