Monstrous delivers a suspenseful and chilling drama that will fascinate viewers who enjoy horror and gore. Following the story of a cursed Buddha that caused chaos and fear in a...
Summer Strike inspires viewers to take a step back as means of moving forward and giving our life a new meaning. Setting the narrative on self-discovery and taking a break...
Having someone to connect with is not as easy as it seems, and Somebody took it to another level and gave it a sinister turn. Directed by Jung Ji Woo...
A Piece of Your Mind traces dramatic misery, yet ironically grants warm touch and heart-rending life lessons. With its calming pacing of events, A Piece Of Your Mind recounts an...
Hae-yi ends the love triangle between her, Jung-woo, and Sun-ho with a kiss in episodes 10 and 11 of Cheer Up. Love continues to flourish for Theia members, but danger and...
Cameras are rolling for the second season of the imaginative Arthdal Chronicles! Making its return to the small screens after three years, Arthdal Chronicles Season 2 reveals reprisal of roles...
The story of a single mom who suddenly became the interest of four suitors inspires women that claiming love and dreams does not have anything to do with age and...
Portraying a character confused with his self-identity in Blind, Ok Taecyeon shares his thoughts on the drama’s end. Taking on the role of a passionate detective in Blind, actor Ok...
Revenge isn’t always the solution, and Blind ensures that there are fair ways to punish evil. Bright backgrounds can be blinding and deceiving, so people believe in one’s flawlessness. Living...
Through In-seong, Sung-jun realizes that Sung-hoon has been an accomplice in the juror murders in Blind. Sung-jun discovers that Sung-hoon has been the designer of the revenge plans executed by...