The surprising combination of music and murder magically works for I Wanna Hear Your Song. Revolving around the mysterious death of pianist Kim Ian, the different characters of the drama...
Duel delivers a mind-bending chase thriller with unwavering excitement and grit! Duel navigated a heightened quest of heroes who blindly trusted each other to achieve their personal goals of saving...
Eun-ki and Sung-jun fall in disbelief after realizing the truth in the recent episodes of Blind. In-seong locks Eun-ki and the rest of the people involved in Hope Welfare Center...
Multiple encounters will lead to remarkable acts of humanity in MBC’s newest midweek series, May I Help You?! To escape her mysterious fate of fulfilling dead people’s wishes, a funeral...
Hiding behind a smile and a kind image, In-seong turns out to be responsible for the killings in Blind. Sung-hoon finds Yu-na dead bleeding in a cabinet. Finding the culprit...
Soaring sweetly with its lovable youthful characters, 20th Century Girl brims with familiar romantic youth experience. A devoted friend finds love blooming for the first time in her life. Sharing...
Convinced that he should push his feelings for Yeo-reum, Jae-hoon willingly proposes to give his all to his best friend in the 3rd week of Love Is For Suckers. Sticking...
SG K-Drama fans, prepare to hit these upcoming treats from Seolhyun’s new drama, Summer Strike! ONE, Asia’s leading network for the best of Korean entertainment (owned and fully operated by...
Genuinely showing their fondness for Sang-eun, the female lead of Love In Contract expects a sweet whirlwind of emotions coming to her soon! Finally, the ex-wife of Ji-ho is also...
Teams Magic and Itaewon face off in the fun water-bomb-flying-chair game in the 6th episode of Young Actors’ Retreat! The loser prepares breakfast the next day. Taking advantage of the...