Netflix affirms the production and casting of the thriller-political drama, The Whirlwind! The Whirlwind depicts the confrontation between the prime minister who wants to root out the corrupt giant power and the deputy prime minister for the economy who opposes it. Portraying Prime Minister Park Dong-ho who wants to judge...
Based on a popular novel, the two actresses are billed to bring warmth to a new fantasy story. The Mysterious Candy Store is a fantasy drama depicting the magical story of the cryptic candy store Jeoncheondang, where the mysterious owner Hong-ja sells wishes-granting sweets to the people who visit. Director...
Along with the second teaser poster, Black Knight locks an exclusive launch date on Netflix on May 6! Taking a futuristic concept, Black Knight threads on the premise of an air-polluted world in 2071, where people depend on respirator masks to breathe. Only one percent of the human race has...
Before the release of Decoy Part 2, the series amplifies excitement with released character stills. Decoy which has been released in 186 countries around the world, has an overseas rating of 9.4 and has recorded 1st place in Coupang Play’s popular works. Part 1 of the series tells the story...
The talented actress expressed her feelings after completing her first theater play challenge. In the play Shakespeare in Love, Kim Yoo Jung played the role of Viola de Lesseps, a bold woman who strives to achieve her dream of becoming a theater actress, which was forbidden for women at the...
Korean movie Dream has released 14 press stills that give a glimpse of the chemistry of the characters full of charms. Dream depicts the story of former football player Hong-dae (Park Seo Joon), who has no plan; So-min (Lee Ji Eun), a producer who has no passion; and homeless ragtag...
Braving the odds, Young-min and Ji-hyun start a relationship in the latest episodes of Delivery Man. What’s strange is the love they share did not help Ji-hyun move into after life. A slew of interesting scenarios also erupts tangling the characters in the whole picture of the series. abbyinhallyuland watches...
Ahn Hyo Seop returns to Doldam Hospital after three years in Dr. Romantic 3. Dr. Romantic narrates the story of an amazing triple board-certified surgeon, Boo Yong Joo, who shunned his life to a remote provincial hospital when he became a victim of politics in the big city hospital he...
Decked for May broadcast, Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 commands attention through its released teaser poster. Reprising his role as the enigmatic gumiho Lee Yeon, Lee Dong Wook is set to embark on the chaotic year of 1938 in Korea. Tale of the Nine-Tailed which received great love by showing the...
Filipino NCTzens, get ready for stages that’ll be the best you ever had as NCT Dream comes back to Manila this April! Hosted by PULP Live World, THE DREAM SHOW 2 in Manila is part of the second concert tour of NCT Dream which began in September 2022 in Seoul....