Brandishing the characters to move in the narrative, Our Blooming Youth presents a promising story for its 20-episode run. On different intentions but the same mission, Crown Prince Lee Hwan and Min Jae-yi are set to embark on unearthing the cryptic curse and murder that entwined them. abbyinhallyuland watched Our...
A thrilling underdog workplace story will unfold in Numbers! Scheduled to air in the first half of 2023, Numbers presents an office drama featuring a high school graduate accountant who fights against the absurdities of a giant accounting firm. Realizing justice in a way that is unlikely for an accountant;...
Yoon Chan Young is set to make the wishes of the ghosts come true in Genie TV’s Delivery Man! Slated for a March broadcast, Delivery Man follows the story of a taxi driver who drives ghosts as his customers. He chances upon Ji-hyun a wandering soul who lost her memories....
A spring pictorial featuring Park Seo Joon effortlessly charming has been released. On February 9, the 2023 spring collection photoshoot for ZIOZIA’s menswear brand featuring the actor released tantalizing samplers. In the preview photos, Park Seo Joon showed off a comfortable yet sophisticated daily style with a refined suit look,...
Based on a popular novel, the two actresses are billed to bring warmth to a new fantasy story. The series is a fantasy drama depicting the magical story of the cryptic candy store Jeoncheondang, where the mysterious owner Hong-ja sells wishes-granting sweets to the people who visit. This is a...
Hell is about to break loose in The Glory Part 2, thrilling its viewers with its new posters and teaser! Directed by An Gil Ho and written by Kim Eun Sook, The Glory follows the elaborate revenge planned by Moon Dong-eun (Song Hye Kyo), whose youth was ruined by perpetrators...
In a world full of cruelty, Brain Works presents an agonizing, heart-rending and tragic story of two brothers protecting each other. A heinous murder occurred when a reclusive stepson murdered his mother when she went for a mountain walk. However, no clear evidence supports that the suspect is guilty of...
tvN’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama The Heavenly Idol held an online production presentation earlier. Lead stars Kim Min Kyu, Go Bo Gyeol, Lee Jang Woo, Tak Jae Hoon, Ye Ji Won and Park So Yeon attended the event. In The Heavenly Idol, Kim Min Kyu plays a powerful high priest who...
BLACKPINK WORLD TOUR BORN PINK at the Philippine Arena is certainly one of the much-anticipated events in the K-pop fandom this year! The BLINKs eagerly sought after concert tickets for March 25 and 26. For those who didn’t get so lucky securing their desired tickets to the concert, you may...
Slated for a February 10 premiere, the cast and director of Love To Hate You graced the production press conference at CGV Yongsan I Park Mall in Seoul. Love to Hate You is a romantic comedy about a woman who really hates losing to men and a man who harbors...