Bound to happen, Chairman Jin passes away and Do-jun inherits nothing in Reborn Rich. Still able to hold out for the board meeting, Chairman Jin witnesses Do-jun becoming the CEO of Soonyang Financial Holding Company. However, as Do-jun reaches success with the launch of Apollo, the chairman passes away. Marcie...
True to their promise, the group comes back to Manila to give their loyal fans, not one but two days of great music and entertaining performances. SUPER JUNIOR members are exuberant yet apologetic at the same time as they talk to their fans after a series of song and dance...
Dong-joo and Tae-hee finally discovered the connection they have through Jun-ho in the latest episodes of May I Help You. Agonizingly, Chung-ha also found a way to move on and accept that she can’t win back the heart of her old lover. Another revelation is also set to break Tae-hee’s...
With its unique plot, Connect offers a riveting and binge-worthy series that also takes the viewers on an unexpected emotional roller coaster ride. Disney+ new series, Connect, adapted from a webtoon of the same name, is a dark and gruesome thriller fiction that revolves around the bizarre connection between an...
PH Shawols, you have just got lucky as South Korea’s flaming charisma Choi Minho has chosen the Philippines for his Asia tour LUCKY CHOI’s in 2023! Titled 2023 BEST CHOI’s MINHO LUCKY CHOI’s IN MANILA, the event will take place on January 28th at the SM Mall of Asia Arena. Announced by...
Addressing the pervasiveness of the muddled parent-child relationship that leaves emotional pain and pressure on the youth, The First Responders episode 9 firmly sent an important message. Covering teenage pregnancy, school bullying, suicide, and disappointing overachiever parents, this episode is packed with lessons. Subsequently, Ho-gae’s cold case resurfaces and he...
Poong, The Joseon Psychiatrist 2, emanates warmth and healing with the recently released posters featuring the return of the Gyesoo family. tvN’s Wednesday-Thursday series, Poong, The Joseon Psychiatrist, returns to the small screen for a sequel along with the whole Gyesoo family. Concluding its first season in September, the series became...
In the recently-released stills of the melodrama The Interest of Love, Geum Sae Rok and Jung Ga Ram show opposing views on love. The Interest of Love chronicles the stories of people who meet and discover the true meaning of love. Billed as a melodrama, it follows realistic romantic narratives...
SBS new Monday-Tuesday drama, Trolley held an online drama presentation. Attended by the creative team and lead actors, the series is scheduled to premiere on December 19. Starring Kim Hyun Joo and Park Hee Soon, Trolley is a mystery dilemma melodrama that depicts the story of a member of the...
It was absolutely worth the wait as BoA, TVXQ, and EXO Chen & Xiumin grace the Philippine stage in a two-night concert to finally meet their PH fans! Cebu and Manila Kpop fans were up for an early Christmas present as Neuwave Events & Productions brought its concert for a...