The spotlight is on smart Anna in the fifth episode of The First Responders as the team takes down a degenerate money-lending business owner! Working together efficiently, the firefighters and detectives of Taewon halt a dangerous explosion that could have endangered them and innocent victims. abbyinhallyuland watches The First Responders...
Monstrous delivers a suspenseful and chilling drama that will fascinate viewers who enjoy horror and gore. Following the story of a cursed Buddha that caused chaos and fear in a remote town, TVING’s dark-themed series Monstrous is written by Ryu Yong Jae and Director Yeon Sang Ho who previously produced...
Trapped in the palace, Physician Kwon drops a heartbreaking revelation to Consort Hwang and Prince Ui-seong in Under The Queen’s Umbrella. Choosing to protect the Crown Princess from being deposed, the Queen hands in the autopsy report of Crown Prince Taein to the Queen Dowager. Motivated to redeem himself, Prince...
Our heartwarming weekly prescriptions from our favorite psychiatrist, Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist 2, are back this January 11, 2023! tvN’s Wednesday-Thursday series, Poong, the Joseon Psychiatrist, returns on the small screen for a sequel along with the whole Gyesoo family. Concluding its first season last September, the series became notable...
Actor Jung Ji Hoon is back on the big screen with another crime movie Gentleman! 젠틀맨 Gentleman (literal translation) is a crime fiction directed by Kim Kyung Won, starring Jung Ji Hoon. He will portray the character of Ji Hyun Soo, an owner of a private detective agency with a...
It was a day filled with thrilling games and a night that celebrated friendship inside the PH K-Pop community! The PH Kpop community came together for a day of exciting games and a night of celebrating friendship. The RIPPLES FOR HOPE 2022: A K-POP FRIENDSHIP DAY AND NIGHT, which happened...
A saddening ploy of risking a child’s life for money takes the bulk of the story in episode 4 of The First Responders. Discovering an unimaginable act, a parent can do to her child; this episode highlights child abuse and insurance fraud. abbyinhallyuland watches The First Responders on Disney+ Episode...
Yoo Yeon Seok, Moon Ga Young, Geum Sae Rok, and Jung Ga Ram find their meaning to love in The Interest of Love. The Interest of Love chronicles the stories of people who meet and discover the true meaning of love. Portrayed as a melodrama, it follows realistic romantic narratives...
Making his first sci-fi series, Jung Hae In took on a new challenge in Connect. At the Disney Contents Showcase 2022, Jung Hae In expressed his satisfaction with his new series Connect. He will portray the character of Ha Dong-soo, a human being who never dies. Dong-soo was kidnapped by...
Transforming into a human-monster character, Kim Nam Gil commands attention with the latest stills unveiled by the production team of Island. Slated for a December premiere, Island traverses the journey of characters destined to fight against the “evil” that is trying to destroy the world. The series is based on...