In portraying his character in Emergency Declaration, Im Si Wan challenges a side of him as an actor that has never been seen before. Taking part in Emergency Declaration, a masterpiece directed by Han Jae Rim, Im Si Wan transforms into a villain that has caught the attention of many...
A roster of fan-favorite K-Pop idol groups is set to fire up at #POPstival2022! Announced on August 15 by Neuwave, the one-day event features staggering music performances and activities. To be held at SMDC Open Grounds on October 21; POPSTIVAL 2022 aims to combine K-Pop and P-Pop in a superb...
After an eventful Webtoon Camp, Ma-eum faces more challenging situations as a rookie webtoon producer in Episode 5 of Today’s Webtoon. In the most recent episode of Today’s Webtoon, in hopes of wrapping up the Webtoon Camp smoothly, things didn’t turn out the way Man-chul wants them to. Ma-eum hurts...
Delivering a precious time to his domestic fans, Kang Daniel redefined idol-fan interaction by gifting genuine music and unforgettable memories. Together with Korean Danity, he became one with his fans to such an extent that the distance between the stage and the audience could not be felt. Remarkably, it was...
As Woo-shin runs out of time, he does his best to find the Adamas. The fourth episode continues unfolding truths that are unimaginable. Ha Woo-shin successfully got Mr. Choi to work with him, but it does not mean they are on the same team. On the other hand, Song Su-hyun...
Curious eyes keen to unravel the truth are seen in the lead stars of tvN’s new series, Blind. Blind traverses the story of ordinary people who have become unfair victims and the perpetrators who only believe the uncomfortable truth. Featuring a detective, a judge, a social worker, and a jury...
Visiting as a medical volunteer from her hospital, Mi-ho hears from Chang-ho how he became ‘big mouse’ in Big Mouth. Chang-ho reveals to Mi-ho how he communicates with ‘big mouse’ through the bible in the confessional. In the last phone call with a patient’s guardian, Mi-ho discovers where to find...
K-Drama fans of Adamas will not struggle to visit its filming location since a museum in Wonju is the best place to relive some of the scenes in the series. In the first episode of Adamas, Ha Woo-shin, an acclaimed writer portrayed by Ji Sung was commissioned to be the...
Winning the bet, Chang-ho intimidates the VIPs and gathers more followers in Big Mouth episode 5. Proving that he is ‘big mouse’ by naming five drug clients, Chang-ho gains an upper hand against the VIPs in prison. Gong Ji-hoon meets Mi-ho to ask for Professor Seo’s paper. Meanwhile, Mayor Choi...
Serving a thrilling, action-crime drama, Deliver Us From Evil is a movie that makes viewers hold their breath and be at the edge of their seats while watching! Deliver Us From Evil is a 2020 Korean film directed and written by Director Hong Wonchan. The movie chronicles the story of...