Active in both drama and variety shows, rising star Na In Woo humbly takes compliments on his hard work in the industry. Na In Woo has recently worked on many projects, leading him to appear on television more often compared to before. He acted for the series’ Cleaning Up and Jinxed At...
In its 25th year, JAURIM celebrates legendary music that stems from the heartfelt creative process that translated to extraordinary music. This year, South Korea’s legendary band JAURIM, which led the popularization of band music in the nation and helped pioneer a new genre there, is celebrating the 25th anniversary of its...
Playing the role of Lee Mi-yeon, versatile actress Lee Yoon Ji attracts attention as a career woman for her compelling performance. In the last five episodes, Lee Mi-yeon’s past was revealed, causing goosebumps in viewers. He made his son Ji Soo-bin (Kim Yun-woo) identical to Han Yu-sung (Yoo Young-jae), and...
Marking a pre-birthday celebration with her fans, Park Eun Bin is set to make her maiden fan meeting in Seoul! Bringing heartening moments for her role as Woo Young-woo in hit drama Extraordinary Attorney Woo, the talented actress will meet her fans next month! The event is set to be...
Seohyun enthusiastically shares her thoughts and feelings as the filming of the fantasy-romance drama ends. In the series, Jinxed at First, Seohyun excelled at portraying the goddess, Seul-bi, who has a mysterious ability to see people’s future after touching them. She shows innocence in the first episode of the series as a...
Whether you are a foodie or cooking is your hobby; if you also like K-Dramas trying out to cook or eat the Korean cuisine you saw is inevitable. While there are a few food-themed Korean dramas that aired before, our focus today is Hansik also known as Korean cuisine. Visit...
From its first episode, Alchemy of Souls is a beauty to behold in terms of the featured background of the scenes. If you love traveling to capture stunning vistas or you just want to have a rejuvenating time frolicking in the blessing of beautiful landscapes, flora and fauna and the...
2022 Korean Dramas are strong in courtroom and crime genres this year. If you are visiting soon and you have found a liking to recently completed dramas such as Why Her, Military Prosecutor Doberman, Again My Life and Juvenile Justice; then head to Joy Madang Studio. It is a film...
Showing their love, Super Junior enters the MOA Arena with a heavy heart yet still managed to meet and perform for PH ELFs attending the show. Days before Super Junior sets to perform for Super Show 9: Road in Manila, a series of unfortunate events unexpectedly happened that made local and...
Already having doubts about Chang-ho, Gong Ji-hoon asks him to name five drug clients in Big Mouth. Mi-ho announces at a conference that she has the unpublished paper of Professor Seo, and Mayor Choi assigns someone to follow her. Gong Ji-hoon tests Chang-ho on naming clients he sold drugs to...