Intriguing viewers with the two people’s unusual gazes, Monstrous introduces a new genre of shamanism, which will premiere in April. Directed by Jang Geon Jae and produced by Climax Studio, TVING’s original series Monstrous unveils enthralling teaser posters. It reveals the reality of the hell that entwined Koo Kyo Hwan...
In the latest episodes of Forecasting Love and Weather, the lead pairing submits to honesty and humility by sharing and understanding each other’s emotional reservations. Misunderstandings in a relationship mean deeper emotions are mutually shared. Lee Si-woo and Jin Ha-kyung have left lessons in the last two episodes about being...
Yu-rim’s special friend whom she met online is closer than what she has thought in Twenty Five Twenty One. After becoming a reporter, Yi-jin brings himself to pay back to one of his dad’s creditors. Meanwhile, Hee-do and Yu-rim face their own problems stuck in their hearts after being kicked...
Set to premiere on April 9, tvN’s upcoming drama Our Blues radiates beaming smiles from the main cast. Featuring 14 lauded actors who will lead the special omnibus series, the main poster includes Lee Byung Hun, Cha Seung Won, Uhm Jung Hwa, Lee Jung Eun, and Han Ji Min, along...
Filled with soothing mementos, Song Kang certainly touched the hearts of Netflix global fans during his first solo fan meet! Officially commended as the “son of Netflix,” Song Kang greets fans at the Netflix global event through the Korean content YouTube Channel, THE SWOON, with his sweet warmth and dazzling...
Hee-do wins the final match in the Asian Games, but Yu-rim cries it was a bad call in the recent episode of Twenty Five Twenty One. Competing with each other in the Asian games, Hee-do rejoices in winning a gold medal, but later feels dejected with Yu-rim’s claims. Aware of...
Yet another friendship-inspiring episode, Thirty Nine conveyed the steadfast connection among the three friends in the story. Notably, the love relationship between Mi-jo and Seon-woo is flourishing just as the connection between Joo-hee and Hyun-jun is settling well. Correspondingly, Chan-young and Ji-seok are bound to enter a situation-driven “living together”....
Following the girls’ escape from Pureum’s Care Home and the embezzlement case, the next problem that arises in Yeonhwa District’s courtroom brings a surprising turn of events. Juvenile Justice Episodes 6 and 7 shift to the next case, which involves the leak of exam papers from a prestigious high school...
Showcasing the gift of changing the past, Blue Birthday leaves a healthy reminder to appreciate living in the moment. Having the ability to travel back to time, things in the present may somehow be changed for the better as one pictures it to be. Utilizing that gift, the series celebrates...
Military Prosecutor Doberman establishes an engrossing storyline involving villains’ nasty schemes, using innocent people for money and power. Swirling around the lives of two military prosecutors, the drama swiftly acquaints viewers for its innovative plot coupled with the main leads’ superb performances. ms. sunshine watches Military Prosecutor Doberman on iQiyi....