Exciting the awaiting viewers for its premiere in February, Ahn Hyo Seop and Kim Sejeong lead the table-read of the new SBS drama. Based on a webtoon, Business Proposal follows the story of an office employee who goes on a blind date with her company’s CEO while pretending to be her...
The lead cast of MBC’s upcoming Friday – Saturday drama, Tomorrow, gathered for the script-reading session. Based on a webtoon written by Rama, Tomorrow shares the story of a dispirited job-seeker who accidentally meets grim reapers on a special mission. He then becomes a temporary worker in the underworld. Writer Park...
Transforming into an honest and articulate acting coach, Jeon Mi Do readies to attract viewers and fans to her new character in Thirty, Nine! Thirty, Nine is a realistic human romance drama that deals with the deep story of friendship, love, and life of three friends who are about to...
Impressive cinematography mixed well with a compelling noir storyline – iQiyi’s first prison-themed Taiwanese drama is a must-watch for crime-thriller enthusiasts! Both two seasons of Danger Zone garnered high praises. Particularly, the series’ central premise, morality and justice, incites contemplation in viewers. Moreover, Director David Chuang effectively adapted Qian Yu Zhi...
Conveying an unprecedented story, All of Us Are Dead imparts a greater perspective on characters and more formidable zombies. All of Us Are Dead follows isolated students as they wait for rescue at a school where the zombie virus’s rapid spread drives them to struggle for survival. Recounting the intense encounter...
Bae Doona and director July Jung reunite after eight years in the film, The Next Sohee. The Next Sohee chronicles So-hee, a high school girl who is required to attend field training at a call center, and Yu-jin, a female detective who has doubts about it. Furthermore, Bae Doona, who...
Confronting conflicting emotions, the hero of Snowdrop makes a decision that would change the hostage-taking situation at Hosu University dormitory. Packed with the usual compelling story direction, the 10th episode preps to more gripping moments to tackle in the series. abbyinhallyuland watches Snowdrop on Disney+ Episode Recaps: 1 to 5...
Completely transforming into a forecaster, Park Min Young shows precise demeanor in the released stills for Forecasting Love and Weather. Forecasting Love and Weather narrates the love and office lives of people who work at the Korea Meteorological Administration. Although the series is hotter than tropical nights and more unpredictable than...
Unleashing an extraordinary sensual taste, Love and Leashes prepares to unveil a preference-respecting romance on February 11th! Netflix’s upcoming film, Love and Leashes, depicts the exhilarating, sweet-flavored romance between Ji-hoo (Lee Jun Young), who has a perfect but unusual sexual taste, and Ji-woo (Seohyun). He is a capable member of...
In the process of retrieving Sang-un’s past life memories, Hwal confronts a confusing moment in recent episodes of Bulgasal: The Immortal Souls. Surprising character developments also arise in the story. Along with that, revelations seal enthralling momentum ahead of the second half of the series. abbyinhallyuland watches Bulgasal: Immortal Souls...