Wisher is a sci-fi drama that pivots on how human minds can be sometimes dangerous because of personal desires. The drama revolves around an application named “Wisher” that pops out on mobile phones. It is said that an individual’s wish can come true if you use this mysterious application. Main Cast: Feng Shao...
After Seung-Yoo publicized the rumored photo years ago and revealed the truth, Principal Noh remained unshaken in the latest episode of Melancholia. Meanwhile, Ye-Rin confessed her feelings to Seung-Yoo but his heart still hopes for Yoon-Soo Sammmeh_ watched Melancholia on iQiyi Episode Recaps:1 & 2 | 3 & 4 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 |12 | 13 | 14 | Series Review | Melancholia Episode...
Unveiling a bittersweet story, JTBC’s upcoming drama Snowdrop starring Jung Hae In and Kim Jisoo launches on December 18. Snowdrop follows Su-ho (Jung Hae In), a well-known university student who seeks refuge in a women’s dormitory. In the middle of the crisis, he encounters Young-ro (Jisoo), a female university student...
Link: Eat, Love, Kill – is an interesting fantasy melodrama is in the pipeline of tvN’s drama roster next year. The series spins the story of a man who suddenly shares a woman’s feelings. His empathic connection involves the woman’s joys, sorrow and pains. Spearheading the production is Director Hong...
Halfway through the series, Let Me Be Your Knight starts clearing its initially presented problems involving the main characters. While romance is blooming, Yun-ju has been making significant healing treatments not just with Tae-in. As her presence has settled with all the members and with her influence on her “patient”...
Little by little, Principal Noh found out that Yoon-Soo is back. In the latest episode of Melancholia, Yoon-Soo builds up her courage to face Principal Noh after several years. Meanwhile, Seung-Yoo used his platform as one of Asung High School’s teachers to expose what happened years ago. Sammmeh_ watched Melancholia on iQiyi Episode Recaps:1 &...
Decked with a refined palace romance, The King’s Affection also imparts potent messages about genuine happiness. Pretending to be someone else for the rest of one’s existence would definitely be a daunting task to undertake, especially if one is forced to do so. On that note, The King’s Affection sealed...
Park Seung made a clever move, preventing the plans of the hero of Secret Royal Inspector Joy from revealing his family’s crimes. But before the “fall” of the Secret Royal Inspector Joy, Ra Yi Eon got to spend time with Kim Jo Yi and cooked for her again. Furthermore, Kim Jo Yi...
There is still hope for dreamers even at the experience of failure in IDOL: The Coup. Experiencing failure in some sort is inevitable in life. Fictional idol group Cotton Candy in IDOL: The Coup proves that one can rise up even with the experience of failure. Main Cast: Ahn Hee...
Even though Yeon-Soo and Choi-Woong argue a lot, the two decided to film and spend time together again in the fourth episode of Our Beloved Summer. Meanwhile, Choi-Woong is being accused of plagiarizing someone else’s work. Amidst all of these, Choi-Woong agrees to go to a party with Yeon-Soo. Sammmeh_ watches Our Beloved...