KBS 2TV’s upcoming drama Bloody Heart heightens excitement with the two-shot stills featuring Lee Joon and Kang Han Na. Bloody Heart is a fictional historical drama directed by Yoo Young Eun...
Lauded actors confirmed their roles in Island, paving the way for the emergence of a unique Korean-style fantasy hero-centric story. Island is a fantasy action series based on Yoon In-wan...
It’s signed, sealed and just waiting for cameras to roll in – Gong Yoo, Bae Doo Na and Lee Joon are up for their newest drama venture in The Silent...
What does it mean to become one family? And is being a family exclusive only to those blood-related? In a heart-warming and healing tale, two single fathers and three kids...
A poignant tale of love, loss, and redemption; My Youth stars Song Joong Ki and Chun Woo Hee! My Youth (WT) tells a heartfelt romance between a man who begins...
All set to gift a delightful saccharine story, Bad Memory Eraser decks premiere on August 2! Bad Memory Eraser (LT) is a thrilling first love manipulation romance about a man...
“Do you really want something fun?” This question opens the zany teaser trailer for The 8 Show, a thrilling new Netflix series that follows eight individuals trapped in a mysterious...
Wise Resident Life is scheduled to launch in the second half of the year. Director Shin Won-ho and writer Lee Woo-jung participated as creators in Wise Resident Life, a drama...
Equipped with tremendous power, Um Ki Joon is psyched to wreak havoc in the SBS series! On the 6th, SBS’ new Friday-Saturday drama The Escape of the Seven: Resurrection which...
Netflix dropped a couple of snaps from the table read of its upcoming series, You Have Done Well. When Life Gives You Tangerines (WT) is a new work penned by...