Kim Jae Wook transforms into a painter with an unrivaled sense of decadence in Death’s Game. Portraying painter Jung Gyu-chul, one of the secret cast, Kim Jae Wook is expected...
Lee Jae Wook challenges the action scenes and emotional grit of his character in Death’s Game. Death’s Game, based on a popular webtoon of the same name centers on Choi...
A unique and enthralling cooperation between a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law will be featured in this MBC drama. Our House 우리집 follows the story of a renowned family psychologist whose...
Chameleon actor Kim Ji Hoon confirms attendance at the AAA 2023 making the awards ceremony shine even brighter! Presented by PULP Live World, StarNews, and TONZ Entertainment, for its 8th...
Wavve original series The Deal shares daunting character posters that give more details to the characters’ predicaments. The Deal is billed as a thriller drama about a 10 billion kidnapping...
It’s a feast of Korean heartthrobs at AAA 2023! Presented by PULP Live World, StarNews, and TONZ Entertainment, for its 8th year, AAA shall be held in the hottest country...
Hyping the expected AAA 2023 crowd, the eagerly-anticipated event confirms 11 Korean artists to shine bright in December. Presented by PULP Live World, StarNews, and TONZ Entertainment, for its 8th...
Wavve original drama, The Deal, released two posters and a trailer highlighting the kidnapping premise surrounding three friends. The Deal is billed as a thriller drama about a 10 billion...
Lee Sun Kyun, Yoo Jae Myung, Kim Mu Yeol and Lee Kwang Soo have confirmed their appearances in the mystery thriller drama. Named Payback, the series deals with the confrontation...
Genie TV’s new original drama Evillive tells the story of a lawyer who meets an absolute villain and transforms into an elite villain. Director Kim Jung-min, who directed OCN’s Bad...