The actress’s appearance in the upcoming medical fantasy drama Ghost Doctor is confirmed. Directed by Boo Sung Chul and written by Kim Seon Soo, the story tells the story of two doctors who have different personalities and skills. However, their spirits along with their bodies merged, and find it hard...
King Kong by Starship confirmed that the actor joined the upcoming medical fantasy drama Ghost Doctor. After his recent drama Law School that many fans loved, Kim Bum gears up for a new series that viewers can anticipate. Directed by Boo Sung Chul and written by Kim Seon Soo, Ghost Doctor...
Challenging an imaginative role, Jung Ji Hoon suits up as a supernatural K-Drama doctor! Ghost Doctor depicts the heartwarming stories of a ghost doctor who cannot leave the hospital and his patients’ side even when he already crossed the afterlife. It narrates how two doctors of contrasting backgrounds, medical abilities...