Slated for December 8 premiere, JTBC’s new drama, Artificial City, has unfurled the characters to meet in the series. Artificial City is a unique mystery thriller drama about a woman’s desire to rise to the highest position in Korea against a powerful chaebol family who runs Sungjin Group, a conglomerate...
Award-winning actress Soo Ae ferociously poses in the recent teasers of JTBC’s mystery-thriller drama Artificial City. Directed by Jun Chang Geun and written by Son Se Dong, Artificial City sets the background in an art museum that belongs to Sung Jin group, a major conglomerate that holds the political and financial domain...
Duke City has finished filming and is readying for its premiere in the second half of the year. Celebrating its 10th anniversary, JTBC has been so far enticing drama fans with a slew of Korean dramas to watch out for! Its newest actors to tap are Soo Ae and Kim...
Adding Artificial City to its pumped roster, JTBC is really ensuring a top-notch drama experience for viewers this season! Celebrating its 10th anniversary, JTBC has been so far enticing drama fans with a slew of Korean dramas to watch out for! Its newest actors to tap are Soo Ae and Kim...