Park Soo Young, known as Red Velvet’s Joy, transforms into a social butterfly police officer for Accidental Country Diary. SM Entertainment and Kakao TV confirm Park Soo Young as the female lead in Accidental Country Diary. She will be pairing with rookie actor Choo Young Woo who made notable portrayals in School...
Revenge is best served cold—more so when done with newfound friends in The One and Only. With that said, witness how the lives of three ladies with different backgrounds collide while they fall in death’s clutches, in JTBC’s new Monday-Tuesday series. Following the broadcast of the series’ first two episodes,...
JTBC’s The One and Only releases a teaser foreshadowing the three women’s final wish, which will premiere this December! The One and Only follows the story of three women as they meet at a hospice. Prior to their deaths, they scheme to kill one bad person. In the process, they...
SM Entertainment’s Park Soo Young, also known as Joy of Red Velvet, secured the lead role in JTBC’s “Only One Person” to be aired in the second half of the year. After three years, Park Soo Young’s magnificent acting skills will be seen again as Seong Mi-do in the upcoming romantic...