Mixed with different emotions, Bossam: Steal The Fate poignantly conveys how painful betrayal and deceit are. Bossam: Steal The Fate narrates a refreshing and heartbreaking romance that deserves to be on our must-watch year-end K-drama list. Main Cast: Jung Il Woo | Kwon Yu Ri | Shin Hyun Soo | Supporting Cast: Kim...
Achieving impressive feats, Bossam: Steal the Fate starring Jung II Woo and Kwon Yu Ri, ended with high ratings and perfect acting. Directed by Kwon Seok Jang and written by Kim Ji Soo along with, the series tackles the topic of women’s oppression. Set in Joseon Dynasty, Ba-Woo (Jung II Woo)...
Jung Il Woo, Kwon Yuri and Shin Hyun Soo show arresting emotions captured in the teaser photo of their upcoming project. MBN’s 10th anniversary special drama, 보쌈 Bossam: Steal The Fate is set in Joseon dynasty under the reign of Prince Gwanghae. For his new role, Jung Il Woo transforms...
Starring Jung Il Woo and Kwon Yuri, the period drama is set in Joseon dynasty under the reign of Prince Gwanghae. MBN’s first historical drama, 보쌈 – 운명을 훔치다 Bossam – Steal The Fate is confirmed for spring airdate. For his new role, Jung Il Woo transforms to a perverted man...