Filling viewers with empathy and compassion, Our Beloved Summer evokes a real-life youth romance that heightens expectations. Our Beloved Summer highlights the refreshing chemistry between Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da Mi in the recently released still cuts of the main lead. This series chronicles a former couple, who were...
SBS upcoming drama Our Beloved Summer gives viewers the perfect chemistry between Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da Mi. Our Beloved Summer foreshadows the reunion of Choi-Woong (Choi Woo Shik) and Gook Yeon-Soo (Kim Da Mi), who were once passionately in love but broke up bitterly. Additionally, this series also threads...
Our Beloved Summer launches a quick peek at Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da Mi’s portrayal as a funny high school couple. Directed by Kim Yoon Jin and written by Lee Na Eun, Our Beloved Summer narrates the story of a high school couple who broke up but got back together again. Choi-Woong...
Choi Woo Shik and Kim Da Mi are set to gift an endearing romantic comedy, Our Beloved Summer in December. Directed by Kim Yoon Jin and written by Lee Na Eun, Our Beloved Summer depicts the story of a couple who broke up by saying that they had a waste of time...
Choi Woo Shik held his first fan meeting, Midsummer Night’s Dream, which amassed a million views on Kakao TV live. The actor’s first fan meeting, Midsummer Night’s Dream, was broadcast live globally on July 5 virtually through kakao TV live’s YouTube channel. Kakao Entertainment organized the event and gained positive feedbacks...