Unleashing a bucket full of intrigues, every character in Pandora: Beneath The Paradise has a story to tell. tvN’s new weekend series went all-out with acquainting viewers to the trajectory of the series. An assassination event 15 years ago foresees a close-knit friendship circle to a labyrinthine truth of the...
Lee Ji Ah is all set for her desperate payback in Pandora: Beneath The Paradise! Pandora: Beneath the Paradise is a revenge drama about a woman living a life everyone envies. But when she recovers her lost memories, she punishes the people who manipulated her destiny. Penning the script is...
The female lead of Pandora: Beneath The Paradise exudes unfathomable emotion in the released teaser poster. Pandora: Beneath the Paradise is a revenge drama about a woman who lives a life that everyone envies. But when she recovers her lost memories, she sets forth to punish the people who manipulated...
Promising a thrilling revenge drama, Pandora: Beneath The Paradise releases a behind-the-scenes look at the cast’s first table reading. The upcoming revenge drama Pandora: Beneath The Paradise follows a woman who lost her memory and realized that her perfect life was staged as part of a big plan. She then...