Uhm Tae Goo and Han Sun Hwa are expected to bring a unique synergy to their roles in the drama My Sweet Mobster! JTBC’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama My Sweet Mobster, premiering at 8:50 PM on June 12, tells the story of an unexpected and heartwarming romance between Uhm Tae Goo’s...
Han Sun Hwa takes on the role of a “mini sister” who safeguards the innocence of both children and adults in My Sweet Mobster. JTBC’s new Wednesday-Thursday drama premieres on June 12. It explores the unexpected romance between Seo Ji-hwan (played by Uhm Tae Goo), who has come to terms...
Uhm Tae Goo is diving into the romance genre with his new role. JTBC’s upcoming Wednesday-Thursday drama My Sweet Mobster, premiering on June 12, centers on Seo Ji-hwan who ended his past as a gangster boss and returned as the CEO of the social enterprise. Ji-hwan is a character who...
JTBC’s new drama is a romance filled with twists and turns and excitement between a man who has come to terms with his dark past, and a woman who is fond of children. In My Sweet Mobster, Uhm Tae Goo takes on the role of Seo Ji-hwan, who has put...
Work Later, Drink Now shows that we all have different circumstances in our everyday lives. However, a simple get-together after a long tiring day makes our hearts a lot warmer. The drama tells the story of three single women in their 30’s who love to drink after work. Having different personalities,...