The sequel to fan-favorite gumiho series Tale of the Nine-Tailed is officially sealed as Tail of the Nine Tailed 1938. As hinted by the title, the Lee brothers are set to embark on a new challenge in the year 1938. This news piques interest because we can see a retro vibe...
Running on a problem-laden plot, all to claim an elusive romance – Tale of the Nine Tailed closes neatly fulfilling its hero’s ultimate yearning. Separately, fantasy and romance are both engrossing, but fusing the two overwhelms inevitably. Its reference to Korean folktale, superstitions, and mythical beliefs sure add to its...
Yay! tvN just confirmed the premiere date of its newest fantasy-romance drama! 구미호뎐 Tale of the Nine-Tailed (LT) stars Lee Dong Wook, Jo Bo Ah and Kim Bum in the main leads. It incorporates action, fantasy and romance between a nine-tailed fox and a TV producer chasing after him. Its...