The main characters of Divorce Attorney Shin bid goodbye to their characters in the series. They also express feeling grateful for the experience of being part of the team. Before the final episode on April 9, Cho Seung Woo, Han Hye Jin, Kim Sung Kyun and Jung Moon Sung gave...
Kim Sung Kyun raises anticipation as a nagging and competent law office secretary, Jang Hyung-geun, in Divorce Attorney Shin! Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes in marriage and brings back...
An empathic and pleasant human drama presented by three friends will be featured in Divorce Attorney Shin. Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes in marriage and brings back together married...
Cho Seung Woo, Han Hye Jin, Kim Sung Kyun and Jung Moon Sung are set to decorate the eagerly-awaited JTBC series, Divorce Attorney Shin. Divorce Attorney Shin tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes...
Warming up anticipation, Sacred Divorce released teaser photos of Cho Seung Woo who will be returning as a divorce lawyer in a new series. Sacred Divorce tells the story of a 45-year-old piano artist turned divorce lawyer, Shin Sung-han, played by Cho Seung Woo. He will encounter different disputes in marriage...
Updating eagerly-awaiting viewers, Disney Plus releases character stills of the main leads of Grid. First unveiled at the Disney+ APAC content showcase, Grid is billed as a mystery chase thriller between a bureaucrat and a detective who uncovers the truth about a cryptic system that can save mankind from an...
Jung Hae In, Koo Kyo Kwan, Kim Sung Kyun, and Son Seok Koo are all keen to hunt down military deserters! D.P. is a Netflix original series that follows the story of army private Joon-ho, one of many soldiers serving in the Korean military, who suddenly ends up becoming a...
The second poster of Sinkhole was released, showing the desperate looks of the lead characters fighting for their lives. Directed by Kim Ji Hoon, the film narrates the events that happened to the residents when a newly built villa fell to a 500 meters underground sinkhole. Having different occupations and lives,...
Action blockbuster Seoul Vibe confirms production with the all-star casting of Yoo Ah-in, Ko Kyung-Pyo, Lee Kyu Hyung, Park Ju Hyun, Ong Seong-wu, Kim Sung Kyun, Jung Woong In, and Moon So Ri Netflix, the world’s leading streaming entertainment service, has confirmed the production of Seoul Vibe, an action blockbuster...