Kim Jae Young completes the highly anticipated romance story in Love In Contract! Portraying a fake wife of two men, Love In Contract (WT) tells the story of an employee of a helper service. Her job is to pretend as the wife of single men who need companions to join...
Portraying a fake wife of two men, the new tvN series tells the story of an employee of a helper service. Her job is to pretend as the wife of single men who need companions to join them in gatherings. MonWedFriTuesThursSat (LT) is headlined by Park Min Young, Go Kyung...
Recognizing their hard work, Kim Jae Young and Shin Hyun Been express their heartfelt gratitude for Reflection of You. Reflection of You chronicles the story of two different women, involving love, betrayal, corruption, and revenge. Kim Jae Young portrays a free-spirited sculptor, Seo Woo-jae. He showcased a figure that was entirely integrated...
JTBC’s Reflection of You gave a quick glimpse into the story’s plot and the thoughts of the drama’s main leads through its drama presentation. Directed by Im Hyun Wook and written by Yoo Bo Ra, Reflection of You tackles love, betrayal, corruption, and revenge. Hee-Joo (Go Hyun Jung) had a hard time during her...
Reflection of You lead actors, Go Hyun Jung, Shin Hyun Been, and Kim Jae Young released an intense teaser poster, giving a glimpse of what to expect in the drama. Directed by Im Hyun Wook and written by Yoo Bo Ra, the thriller drama Reflection of You depicts the story of love,...
Reflection of You character sketches reveal the anxious and weary countenance of the four main leads. Reflection of You tells the story of two women who are facing contrasting odds. Jung Hee-joo, a woman who resisted social expectations as a wife and mother, pursues her own desires. Meanwhile, there’s Goo...