Two posters are dropped by Queen of Tears showing how the relationship of the lead stars became different. Set in the cutthroat realm of corporate intrigue, Queen of Tears weaves a compelling tale of love, resilience, and evolution, positioning itself as the year’s must-see romance spectacle. Earlier, a character teaser...
Embark on a whirlwind romance with Queen of Tears, Netflix’s crowning romantic comedy of 2024, premiering March 9! This series, a tour de force of emotion and wit, boasts the magnetic duo of Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won, under the deft narrative craftsmanship of Park Ji-Eun, the celebrated...
Commanding with her presence, the female lead of Queen of Tears is further introduced in latest teaser. tvN’s new drama Queen of Tears narrates the dizzying crisis and miraculous restart of Hong Hae-in, a third-generation chaebol heiress of Queen’s Group, and Baek Hyun-woo, a supermarket prince and son of Yongduri’s...
Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won are a powerhouse chaebol couple in Queen of Tears. tvN’s new drama Queen of Tears narrates the dizzying crisis and miraculous restart of Hong Hae-in, a third-generation chaebol heiress of Queen’s Group, and Baek Hyun-woo, a supermarket prince and son of Yongduri’s head....
Setting out to capture women’s hearts, Kim Soo Hyun dressed in a luxury suit befits the son-in-law of a chaebol family in Queen of Tears. tvN’s new drama Queen of Tears narrates the dizzying crisis and miraculous restart of Hong Hae-in, a third-generation chaebol heiress of Queen’s Group, and Baek...
The table-read for the highly-anticipated series was completed and captured moments were revealed by the production team. tvN’s new drama Queen of Tears narrates the dizzying crisis and miraculous restart of Hong Hae-in, a third-generation chaebol heiress of Queen’s Group, and Baek Hyun-woo, a supermarket prince and son of Yongduri’s...
Kim Soo Hyun and Kim Ji Won are set to define “powerhouse couple” in Queen of Tears. tvN’s new drama Queen of Tears narrates the dizzying crisis and miraculous restart of Hong Hae-in, a third-generation chaebol heiress of Queen’s Group, and Baek Hyun-woo, a supermarket prince and son of Yongduri’s...